About Mark
Mark Brooks has lived in Western North Carolina his whole life, having been raised in Graham County and attending college at WCU. After working in sales for more than 30 years, his experience speaks for itself; but his knowledge of the area is what makes him the best realtor for local families searching for their perfect mountain home. “I know the area well, from Tuckaseegee to Robbinsville/Fontana,” he says, a fact that is revealed with his $50 million in sales over his first 10 years as an agent. Mark works hard to keep lines of communication open with buyers and sellers, making himself available 7 days a week and always returning phone calls. Mark has served on the Carolina Smokies Association of Realtors Board of Directors and has twice been elected to the Jackson County Board of Education. He has 3 grown daughters, and in his spare time, he loves to hike, spend time on the lake, and hang out with his German Shepherd, Suzy.